Category: Patty Bouvier Simpsons Porn

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Patricia Maleficent “Patty” Bouvier is one of Marge’s critical chain-smoking twin sisters, who works at the Department of Motor Vehicles and has a solid abhorrence for her brother by marriage, Homer Simpson. Patty is a lesbian since she has admitted this to Marge , showed up on a buoy at a pride march, and had fiery girl propensities as a kid. She is additionally the maternal auntie to Bart, Lisa, Maggie, and Ling. She is named after Matt Groening’s sister Patty Groening. She is 43 years of age. Patty is the center sister, being Selma’s more youthful twin and being four years more established than Marge. Patty’s choice to not have connections has been inferred to be because of her then-closeted sexuality. At the point when her Aunt Gladys kicks the bucket, Gladys records in her video will guidance to Patty and Selma to get hitched and have a family.
She carries on a fairly exhausting and routine life working at the DMV, however when the end of the week comes around she transforms into a sex ravenous, lesbian porn goddess! Despite the fact that Patty is absolutely into ladies and Selma is carefully into men, they in some cases get together for explicitly testing endowers. Take for instance when Marge had her sisters over for supper and the night wound up with them totally butt bare making some exciting memories stroking off along with Homer. There is one of those far-fetched events when Selma felt a solid feeling of delicacy towards Homer where she convinced her twin sister Patty to have oral sex with him. They alternated sucking on Homers shaved balls and massive, rock hard cock while he was devouring frosted doughnuts and rich hotcakes. There are additionally some uncommon sex Videos of Selma and Patty getting a charge out of young lady on-young lady sex and at those unique, lesbo meetings they appreciate interesting each other with shrewd sex thoughts. One Porn Video especially stands apart when they stuck lit fags up their butts while scouring their touchy, erect clits together.
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