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The Exciting Lesbian Adventures of Sexy Simpsons Porn Comic
It was an ordinary day for Homer and Marge Simpson, until their daughter Lisa stumbled across a sexy lesbian Simpsons porn comic at her classmate Milhouse’s house. At first,Marge was appalled, but then Lisa convinced her that it might be a fun and exciting experience to explore the world of Simpson porn comics.
Meanwhile, Bart and Milhouse were admiring the Simpsons porn image fapthey had found. The comic featured two sexy lesbians, who were engaging in some naughty sex acts. Bart was quite excited about seeing the action, while Milhouse was more interested in the comic’s art.
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Once Marge got over her initial shock, she enjoyed watching the action. She even joined in with a few sexy tricks of her own. After a while Lisa was wearing nothing but some lingerie, and the boys were in awe of her beauty.
The Simpsons porn comic was so hot, that all the viewers were completely turned on. Marge and Lisa ended up having a lesbian threesome of their own, while Bart and Milhouse watched from the sidelines. The comic ended with Marge and Lisa promising that they would meet up for some more naughty lesbian fun in the future.