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Large Marge Simpsons Porn
Marge Simpson was always known for her voluptuous figure, but lately, she seemed to have blossomed even further. It was becoming more and more difficult for her husband, Homer, to keep his hands to himself. The few moments they got some time together, would turn into a passionate game of hide and seek, but always ended with large marge simpsons porn as the main attraction.
It was in an innocent game of tic-tac-toe that one day, their libidos would ignite. Marge’s cleavage seemed to be extra large that day, and Homer couldn’t help but lay his hands on them. The board between them was quickly forgotten in favour of large marge simpsons porn.
Homer started to caress her voluptuous body from top to bottom, feeling how she was quickly losing control in his arms. The desire Marge was feeling was so intense that she almost wanted to scream for mercy as he continued to give her pleasure through large marge simpsons porn.
Marge couldn’t help but moan even louder as Homer started to nibble her neck and caress her naked body with his hands. She felt her entire body heating up with a feverish desire.
It was in those moments that they didn’t have any more time to think, that they realised they had been engaged in large marge simpsons porn. Suddenly, they looked up and glanced out of the window to discover that their neighbors had been watching their raunchy performance all along.
Fortunately, they managed to cover up before they were seen, but the thought of anyone else watching their large marge simpsons porn was enough to make them blush. Once they finally composed themselves, they decided to take their passion to the bedroom and continue the naughty session without any prying eyes.