Tag: bahamut dragons simpsons porno movie alt sex stories

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When Marge Simpson was walking home from the store one sunny day, she came across a mysterious looking store with a sign out front that said “Forbidden Fantasy – Bahamut Dragons”. She had always been an adventurous woman, so she decided to take a look inside.
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Once home, she flipped through the pages full of bahamut dragons simpsons porno movie alt sex stories that depicted things even she had never heard of before. One story in particular caught her eye and aroused her curiosity. It described a forbidden romance between a human and a dragon, full of passionate encounters. She imagined herself being wrapped in the embrace of a dragon and feeling its hot breath on her skin.
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As the movie progressed, Marge found herself swept up in an exotic world of forbidden love between a human and a dragon. She was mesmerized watching the dragon’s powerful form and the way it moved with seductive grace. In the end, the two lovers united together in a passionate embrace, leaving Marge feeling aroused and inspired by the spellbinding bahamut dragons simpsons porno movie alt sex story.