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Bart Simpson had a secret fantasy. He’d often fantasize about a raunchy encounter with Mrs. Krabappel, his teacher. He got aroused just thinking about being naughty with her in the classroom, while everyone else was out of sight.
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As soon as Bart began reading comic simpson porn storys, he was hooked. He loved the naughty illustrations and the racy plots. He loved imagining Mrs. Krabappel in some of the seductive situations.
The comic simpson porn storys provided Bart with a safe escape. He could become aroused without anyone finding out. He would pass countless hours reading the comics, getting horny each time.
Bart enjoyed feeling incredibly naughty. He’d never had something like this before. It felt like a guilty pleasure that he could indulge in without anyone judging him or knowing about it.
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Thanks to comic simpson porn storys, Bart was finally able to explore his deepest fantasies. He’d discovered a naughty side to himself he never knew existed and learned to embrace it.