When it comes to adult entertainment, fans of The Simpsons often find themselves asking the age-old question “Did Simpsons make a Rule 34 joke?” The Simpson universe is full of so many outrageous characters, stories and plot lines that it’s not surprising many of those same fans seek out explicit content involving the characters they know and love. To that end, we are proud to introduce our newest category of Simpsons-inspired porn videos: Did Simpsons Make A Rule 34 Joke?
This category of videos showcases the most out-of-the-box ideas for explicit content take from the Simpsons universe. We’ve gathered some of the most unusual and creative Rule 34 interpretations of the characters, story lines and plot points from the show – all with a raunchy twist. Viewers will be treated to some of the most extreme and explicit Simpsons porn ever created.
From darker versions of Homer Simpson’s go-lucky adventures to some of the more entertaining and risqué retellings of stories involving Bart and Lisa, this category of videos has something to surprise everyone. Even better, we have taken great care to ensure these videos still manage to pay homage to the humor that made the show an international hit. We even searched through some of the more controversial episodes of the show to find only the best content to fit our Did Simpsons Make A Rule 34 Joke? theme.
For viewers who have always wondered “Did Simpsons make a Rule 34 joke?” this category of explicit Simpsons porn videos is guaranteed to be unlike anything they’ve ever seen before. Whether you’ve been a long-time fan of the show or are just discovering it for the first time, preparing to explore these explicit works of art is an experience not to be missed. So get ready to answer the question, “Did Simpsons make a Rule 34 joke?” with a resounding yes!
Once upon a time, in Springfield, lived a raucous family known as the Simpsons. While the rest of the town had many of the same opinions on life as the rest of the world, the Simpson family had their own set of rules. One of these rules was that jokes were off limits, particularly ones of a risqué nature like those related to rule 34.
Years later, when Bart, the Simpson’s eldest Human, was old enough to understand the more adult jokes that circulated around his school and the town, he came under the impression that rule 34 meant something far more risqué. Curiosity seemed to have gotten the better of him as during dinner one night he asked the others if they knew that rule 34 actually was.
Homer was aghast. Did the Simpsons make a rule 34 joke? Absolutely not! Off-color jokes were thoroughly discouraged in their house and he worked to ensure that his Humans knew better.
Marge chimed in, however, with a bit of reality. “Honey, it’s not like they don’t hear these jokes everyday. It’s best we let them know what the real meaning is.”
Homer wasn’t convinced. Did the Simpsons make a rule 34 joke? No. It was something the family could not tolerate.
Marge sighed and explained to the Humanren that rule 34 was an Internet meme that stated, “if it exists, there is a pornographic version of it.” She explained that this included anything from animals to popular characters, comic books, and movies.
The Humans were utterly shocked. Did the Simpsons make a rule 34 joke? No way!
Homer said, “Although I don’t like it, at least you know the truth now. Rule 34 has nothing to do with our family, but it’s important to know what it means.”
From that day on, the Simpsons never allowed any jokes of the like to be told in their home, although Bart couldn’t help but giggle a bit under his breath about it. The Simpsons had made it clear that did simpsons make a rule 34 joke was off-limits, and despite not being a fan of the rule, they had stuck to it ever since.