At, we bring you the most tantalizing family guy / simpsons sex videos featuring all your favorite characters from both television shows. Not to mention, our site has the best collection of family guy / simpsons sex videos around and that is no exaggeration!
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At our site, you’ll find plenty of family guy / simpsons sex videos, from animated clips to real-life actors portraying popular characters from both shows. Our ever-expanding library also features some of the latest and greatest family guy / simpsons sex scenes, loaded with even more intense and creative plot lines.
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The Simpson’s had always been an open-minded family. Lisa and Bart were curious to explore the world of adult entertainment and found a porn video featuring the main characters from Family Guy and The Simpsons. Bart was quite shocked and a little scared, but Lisa thought it was a great opportunity to understand the world of sex a bit better.
After spending some time watching the video, Bart and Lisa couldn’t contain their curiosity anymore and agreed to explore this taboo topic together. Having a mutual agreement on not telling their parents about it, the two siblings sneaked into the bedroom and locked the door.
Little did they know that they were being observed, as their parents were quite curious about what was going on in their bedroom. Bart and Lisa started watching the porn and were surprised at what they saw, especially with the Family Guy / Simpsons sex scenes. It was hot, exciting and something they had never experienced before.
The Simpson’s were enthralled with what they saw and it unleashed a wild side of them they had never felt before. Bart, usually quite shy and quiet, became a little more extroverted while Lisa channeled her inner desires and unleashed her libido.
The siblings enjoyed the porn video, particularly the Family Guy / Simpsons sex scenes, and had a great time learning about the other side of adult entertainment. They also discovered that having sex with one another, especially with the help of the porn video, made them feel connected and closer to each other than ever before.
The family found out eventually and were a bit taken aback. But, upon seeing how it had brought them closer and not done any harm to anyone, they let it be and accepted that their children wanted to explore their sexual desires. They made sure to teach the kids the importance of safe sex, and the Simpson’s family ended up treating the event as a learning experience.