Se você é um fã dedicado de Lisa Simpson, então você deve estar entusiasmado com as nossas frases de Lisa Simpson categories aqui no nosso site de Simpsons Porn! Como o membro de uma das famílias mais peculiares da televisão, Lisa Simpson adicionou muitos momentos divertidos à show. Ela tem consistidemente mostrado isso para ser a personagem mais inteligente, moral e ética retratadas no programa; e com algumas frases de Lisa Simpson que ela frequentemente recita no episódios são a prova.
Nesta categoria frases de Lisa Simpson, nós fornecemos uma seleção de vídeos com as melhore, mais engraçadas e memoráveis frases de lisa simpson no show! Estamos orgulhosos de poupar para oferecer alguns dos melhores momentos de simuladores classico através de uma curadoria inteligente e inteligente. Aqui em frases de Lisa Simpson categoria, você pode esperar para ouvir algumas das frases mais hilariantes e destemidas que Lisa Conseguiu pensar.
Nossa parte favorita das frases de Lisa Simpson é sua reputação como uma intelectual precoce. Quando a irmã de Lisa, Maggie, pronunciou a sua primeira palavra, ela falou, “Bota?” A lisa respondeu, “Sim, um sapato!” Esta pequena frase de Lisa Simpson foi uma prova imediata de sua inteligência privilegiada e coisas boas da televisão.
Você também pode ouvir algumas frases de Lisa Simpson bem sábio nesta categoria, que é semelhante ao, “Os erros são a melhor maneira de criar novos começos”. Esta é uma frase inteligente que Lisa usou para ensinar seu irmão Bart a lidar com as conseqüências de suas más ações. É possível usar essas frases de Lisa Simpson para se inspirar, quando você passar pelos momentos mais difíceis na vida.
Frases de Lisa Simpson seleção de todos os tipos de vídeos e você pode encontrar algo diferente para acender o seu humor qualquer momento! Desde frases engraçadas até humores sérios, você pode encontrar o vídeo perfeito para entretenimento e diversão.
Não se esqueça de desfrutar das frases de Lisa Simpson em nossa site de Simpsons Porn e gozar dos momentos mais memoráveis que só o show conseguir!
Relaxing in her room after a long day at school, Lisa Simpson lay on her bed, letting out a weary sigh. She had been tossing and turning all night trying to find the solution to a particularly tricky math problem, and it seemed to escape her still. But as she lay there, exhausted and defeated, Lisa remembered one of her favorite frases de lisa simpson: “It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game.”
Staring at the ceiling, Lisa slowly but surely felt herself drift away into the land of dreams. Suddenly, a strange figure appeared before her. He was tall and handsome, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. Lisa recognised his face—it was Homer, her father.
“H-Homer?” she whispered, half in fear, half in confusion.
He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her in a warm embrace. Lisa couldn’t believe her eyes; her father was giving her the sweetest of kisses!
“What are you doing?” Lisa stammered, barely able to get the words out.
“Darling, I love you,” Homer replied. “I know you’re frustrated with your math problem, so I thought I’d come to help. Now, let’s get to work.”
There, in her bedroom, with all of her worries and troubles behind her, Lisa was suddenly overcome with a wave of passionate desire, a feeling she had never experienced before. Taking her in his arms, Homer kissed her passionately, as if trying to pour all of his compassion and understanding into her soul. Lisa melted at his touch and allowed herself to let go.
“I love you too, Dad,” she mumbled, her voice trembling with emotion.
Smiling, Homer pulled away, revealing a knowing expression on his face.
“It’s ok, Lisa,” he said. “Everything will work out, I promise.”
Leaning in once again, he continued to kiss her, this time with a newfound intensity and desire. As they embraced, Lisa couldn’t help but think of another one of her favorite frases de lisa simpson: “Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.”
As Homer’s lips explored her body, Lisa felt as if she was in the process of creating something new; something beautiful and special that only the two of them could share.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of pleasure, Homer pulled away and smiled.
“Let’s do this again soon,” he said, before disappearing as quickly as he had come.
Lying back in her bed, Lisa closed her eyes with a smile, feeling content and satisfied. Though the math problem still remained unsolved, she had a new-found feeling of hope and optimism; Life’s good, she thought to herself, reciting yet another of her favorite frases de lisa simpson: “Don’t forget to be awesome.”