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Marge was lonely as usual, never having enough time with her husband Homer. It was a typical evening at the Simpson’s household where Marge was left to her own devices. With no real time to herself, her mind started to wander to some of the taboo topics she had heard her neighbors talking about. Namely, free porn simpsons parody; the discussion of which had Marge intrigued.
It had always been a distant thought for Marge – she had never actually tried to view it before. So tonight was the night. She gave into her curiosity and opened her laptop to see what this naughty parody was all about. After about an hour of searching she stumbled across a website that offered free porn simpsons parody videos. She wasn’t sure how she felt about this, but decided to click on the first video she saw.
The video started with Bart, Lisa, and Homer gathered in the living room. Marge hadn’t expected to see the Simpson kids in the free porn simpsons parody video, but to her surprise they were involved in some incredibly risque activities. Bart and Lisa were simulating various sex positions, while Homer was playing the part of an adult. Marge couldn’t believe her eyes – the entire thing felt so strange!
Feeling slightly uncomfortable, Marge closed the laptop and tried hard to shake off the feeling of guilt. Was this even normal? Did other people really watch this kind of thing? Marge knew the answer to that question, and it only made her more curious.
So she decided to watch couple more free porn simpsons parody videos. This time she was more prepared as she had made up her mind as to exactly what this kind of thing means to her. The videos she watched were much wilder than the first one. There were multiple characters in various adult situations, but this time Marge felt more at ease seeing them.
And with that, Marge found herself drawn in to the world of free porn simpsons parody. She couldn’t believe how far she had come. No longer was she feeling guilty, instead she was now feeling sexually alive and empowered! From then on, Marge was hooked on free porn simpsons parody, and more interesting adult content. It was a space she now loved spending time in, and it was all thanks to her curiosity and daring​ nature.