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Marge Simpson loves free simpsons porn porn! She loves it so much that she frequently visits the XXX websites where she can watch free simpsons porn porn. She spends hours scouring the internet, searching out the hottest and most risqué clips that feature her favorite cartoon characters.
One night, she finds a new website that has tons of free simpsons porn porn to offer. Not only does it feature her favorite characters, but there are also various kinky twists that get her extra interested. After browsing through dozens of clips, she decides to watch one starring herself and her husband, Homer.
The scene opens up with Marge and Homer in bed. She’s wearing nothing but a pair of lace panties, and Homer is lying beneath her, looking up at her. She starts gyrating her hips, and softly caressing his chest with her feet. Homer responds by taking off her panties and licking her from head to toe. His tongue tickles every inch of her body, making her tremble and shake in pleasure.
Once they’re both naked, Homer grabs her hands and pulls her against him. As he thrusts away, his hands massage her neck and back. With each thrust, Marge feels him penetrate deeper and deeper inside her. She can’t contain her moans as they get closer and closer to orgasm.
Finally, they reach their climax and cum together, their bodies shaking in orgasmic pleasure. As they bask in the aftermath of their lovemaking, they both thank free simpsons porn porn for allowing them to share this intimate moment. Marge can’t wait for the next time she watches free simpsons porn porn with her husband. She knows that every time, it’s going to be better than the last!