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Flynn and Marge Simpson had spent the day at the Kwik-E-Mart, stocking up on supplies for the upcoming family reunion. Afterwards, Flynn, being the curious teenager that he was, decided to see what all the fuss was about with these new “free Simpsons porn vids” he’d been hearing about. Driven by perverse curiosity, he took out his phone and began to search for “free Simpsons porn vids” on the internet.
What he found was far from what he expected. Row after row of adult videos, featuring Marge and Homer in some very compromising positions. His face flushed with embarrassment as he scrolled further, noticing clips of Bart and Lisa encompassed in some wild scenarios. Flynn had never even thought of his family in this way!
Feeling uncomfortable, he decided to leave everything as he found it and never revisit this secret again. Little did he know that Marge had noticed him searching and had followed him to his bedroom. She saw the “free Simpsons porn vids” on his screen and, with an amused smile, asked what was going on. Disconcerted, Flynn fumbled to explain himself and confessed that he was just curious. Marge’s reaction shocked him. Instead of embarrassment or anger, she was relieved that he’d found out! It turns out that she had been exploring some new avenues of pleasure for quite a while now and was actually delighted that Flynn had found out about her secret desire for “free Simpsons porn vids”!
Marge then proceeded to explain to Flynn the joys of adult videos and the various ways that these videos can be used to spice up a relationship. Flynn was both relieved and intrigued, and started to think of ways that he and Marge could have some naughty fun involving these “free Simpsons porn vids” in the near future!