Tag: https://.google.com/marge+and+bart+simpson+porn
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Marge and Bart Simpson had a secret. Every night, while the rest of their family was asleep, they would sneak away to the youngest Simpson’s bedroom to be together. They had a ritual – Marge would strip off her clothing and slowly lay on the bed while Bart watched with a growing desire in his eyes. She smiled up at him and welcomed him in with an inviting gesture of the hand.
He removed his clothes and eagerly lay beside her on the bed. With gentle caresses, they explored each other’s naked body, savoring the newfound pleasure that the simple contact created. Marge carefully guided Bart’s hands as he stroked and caressed her, exploring her curves as if it were their first time together. Bart’s desire for his mother grew with every passionately whispered word.
They let their passions take them away and forgot about their surroundings, the only sound locking them in their own world was the sound of their heavy breathing. As Bart grew more and more aroused, his hands eagerly explored every inch of Marge’s body as she moaned beneath him. The https://google.com/marge+and+bart+simpson+porn intensified as they reached their heights of pleasure together, with Marge’s cries of passion echoing throughout the silent house.
Once they had satisfied their https://google.com/marge+and+bart+simpson+porn, they lay together entwined in each other’s arms, too spent to move. They drifted off to sleep in that blissful moment, dreaming of the night’s pleasure they had just experienced together. Marge and Bart Simpson’s secret pleasure was something only they both shared, a https://google.com/marge+and+bart+simpson+porn that would stay between them for ever.