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Every Simpson’s fan knows the relationship between Lisa and her partner. From the very beginning Lisa has always been portrayed as a sexually charged character, so it only makes sense to finally have a porn site that focuses on her in particular. Our category for Lisa blowjob xxx Simpsons porn shows off just how passionate and steamy this relationship can be. The scenarios and settings in our videos will mesmerize you and make you tingle with pleasure as Lisa and her partners take it to the next level.
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The sun was setting over Springfield, casting its orange hues over the rolling hills of the quiet town. Lisa Simpson opened her bedroom window to take in a deep breath of fresh evening air. All was peaceful and tranquil; the perfect setting for a deep relaxation and lull into pleasure.
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She finally forced herself to stop and come back to her senses when she heard her parents car pulling up outside the house, their presence jolting her back to reality. Despite the overwhelming desire to continue, Lisa knew she had to leave the xxx simpsons porn behind, she would return soon however. After all, her parents could never find out she had been tasting the forbidden forbidden fruit of Lisa blowjob xxx simpsons porn.