Tag: marge and bart simpson porn comic

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We bring our users the best quality marge and bart simpson porn comic content around, featuring the classic characters from The Simpsons. Our marge and bart simpson porn comic videos feature all the familiar characters from The Simpsons, in exciting and naughty scenarios. We have marge and bart simpson porn comic videos for every fantasy and every niche.
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Explore the naughty adventures of Marge and Bart in our thrilling marge and bart simpson porn comic videos. Our selection includes scenes featuring both solo and group performances. We have videos featuring Marge and Bart in all kinds of naughty activities, from sexy, steamy love-making to naughty role-play and everything in between.
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He had long fantasized about what it would be like to have a wild and passionate sexual relationship with Marge Simpson. Despite being related, the idea of wild incestual sex with his mother was what kept Bart Simpson going throughout his otherwise dull existence in Springfield.
Though he remained mostly resigned to his daydreams, today seemed like it could be different. While working on some odd jobs around town, a strange comic book caught his attention. The front cover revealed a crude drawing of Marge Simpson in a rather compromising position with none other than himself. Bart Simpson porn comic was written across the bottom, igniting an intense fire in his loins.
Assuming the comic to be an inspiration from the gods, he hastily purchased it and headed straight home. As he flipped through page after page of explicit illustrations of Marge and himself getting it on, his excitement only grew within him. Bart finally embraced his lust for Marge and began fantasizing about actually making his fantasies from the comics come to life.
He made his way up the stairs to his bedroom, his body throbbing with uncontrollable excitement. Images of Marge and himself in a wild erotic frenzy kept playing in his mind’s eye. He wanted the comic to become reality, so he locked his bedroom door and took off all his clothes.
Slowly but surely, Bart Simpson brought himself to the edge of orgasm with his right hand, as his left hand tore through the pages of the comic. The images of Marge and himself engaged in some of the most depraved sexual acts he could imagine only further amplified his growing pleasure.
Finally, lost in the throes of pleasure, he erupted in a powerful wave of orgasm. As he regained his composure, he glanced at the comic lying on the bed and a satisfied smirk appeared on his face. Yes, this Marge and Bart Simpson porn comic provided Bart with the escape from reality he had longed for – and now, for the first time, he could finally imagine himself as a horny and sexual being with his own mother.