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At our MnF Simpsons Episode 1 Porn collection, we have something for everyone. So whether you’re a classic Simpsons fan or a fan of more risqué versions of the show, you’ll find what you need here. With our extensive library of mnf simpsons episode 1 porn videos, you’ll be sure to have a sexy and satisfying experience.

Marge and Homer Simpson were having an argument over the usual things. Homer wanted to watch the latest mnf simpsons episode 1 porn, while Marge just wanted to watch a boring documentary. Homer wasn’t having any of it and left the room, passing by Bart and Lisa, who were watching a mnf simpsons episode 1 porn cartoon on the couch.
Not wanting to let the opportunity to have some fun go by, the two siblings decided to sneak out of the house and check out the halloween carnival that was in town. Little did they know that the carnival was actually hosting a special mnf simpsons episode 1 porn screening!
The siblings made it just in time and took their seats. The show started shortly after, and like mnf simpsons episode 1 porn usually goes, the cartoons were titillating and the jokes were crass. Bart was enthralled by the show, while Lisa was just emabarassed and wanted to go home. Still though, they both found themselves transfixed by the raunchy spectacle on screen.
Meanwhile, Homer was missing the show – he had driven to Moe’s Tavern in order to get his mind off his troubles. Unbeknownst to him, the locals were also watching the same mnf simpsons episode 1 porn as his two unsuspecting Humanren. There were plenty of dirty jokes passed around, mostly directed at Homer, who just rolled his eyes and drank his beer.
Back at the carnival, the show came to its wild climax and the Humanren finally decided it was time to go. As the mnf simpsons episode 1 porn credits rolled and the Humans quietly made their way out of the theater, Homer finally returned to the house, none the wiser of what had happened.
The next time the siblings caught wind of another mnf simpsons episode 1 porn playing at the carnival, they made sure to tell Homer about it first. He was not too enthusiastic about the idea, which was completely fine with the Humanren, who wanted to keep all the dirty jokes to themselves.