Welcome to the nude simpsons computer backgrounds category on our Simpsons Porn Video Site. Here, we have gathered a selection of videos featuring nude Simpsons characters as computer backgrounds. These videos are perfect for those who want to bring a touch of the Simpsons to their desktop.
From edgy, daring art-house concepts to stimulating, vibrant animations, our nude simpsons computer background videos have something for everyone. Our selection of nude Simpson computer backgrounds feature classic fan-favorites such as Marge and Lisa, as well as Homer, Bart and other iconic characters from the hit TV show!
For example, our “Marge in the Office” video shows a topless Marge working at her desk, with a curious, almost mischievous glint in her eyes as she glances up from her computer screen. It’s sure to be the talk of the break room. Then, there’s our video titled “Lisa’s Rocky Ride” which displays an alternative, yet nostalgic look at one of Homer and Marge’s favorite characters. Lisa is seen changing out of her nude attire and into some of our favorite classic attire.
No matter which of our nude simpsons computer backgrounds videos you decide to download, we guarantee you will get a refreshing and exciting Simpson experience!
Our nude simpsons computer backgrounds category also contains many other sort of daring visuals, such as a topless Apu napping on the couch, and a shirtless Ned Flanders fishing by the lake. In addition, many of these scenes have an added dimension of humor, as the characters are often making hilarious faces or engaging in some goofy activities.
So, if you’re looking to spice up your computer background, then check out our nude simpsons computer backgrounds category. We guarantee you that our videos will be sure to put a smile on your face! With our nude Simpson computer backgrounds, you can bring the fun of the hundred-year-old cartoon to your screen. Try it today and enjoy the Simpson experience!
In Springfield, the Simpson family was thrown into a frenzy when nude simpsons computer backgrounds were discovered on their shared family computer. Homer was apoplectic when he found out and immediately started ranting, “Ah, geez, what is going on in this house!? You got Humans in here seeing nude Simpsons computer backgrounds? GRRR!” He was already mentally preparing to have “the talk” with each of the Humans to warn them about the perils of the internet.
Meanwhile, Marge was already in a state of shock over what she had stumbled upon. She had been innocently browsing the web when, to her horror, she had noticed a seemingly innocent search returned several nude simpsons computer backgrounds. She had quickly closed the browser and started scolding herself for not having installed parental controls on the computer from the get-go. In an effort to keep the embarrassing situation from escalating, she decided to investigate the matter further and figure out who had been searching for such “inappropriate material”.
Bart, however, had other plans. He had known all along that searching for nude simpsons computer backgrounds would eventually get him into some serious trouble. Out of fear of getting grounded, he had decided to cover for his tracks and pretend he had nothing to do with it. To make matters worse, Lisa began suspecting there was something suspicious going on and decided to investigate.
After much digging and several failed attempts at covering his tracks, Bart finally came clean and admitted to having been responsible for all the nude simpsons computer backgrounds. Homer, still seething with rage, started lecturing his son on the dangers of the internet before finally allowing him to keep the computer but only after installing stronger parental controls.
Marge, relieved the situation finally ended relatively unscathed, decided to take the family on an outing to enjoy some quality time together, and to allow everyone to move on from all the embarrassing nude simpsons computer backgrounds.