Tag: porn milhouse bart simpsons

When you’re looking for the hottest porn videos starring Milhouse Bart Simpson, you’ve come to the right place. On our Simpsons Porn website, we have the wildest, steamiest porn videos starring Milhouse Bart Simpson you’ve ever seen. Our porn milhouse bart simpsons videos feature Milhouse Bart Simpson in all sorts of wild and passionate sexual encounters, from threesomes, to foursomes, to light BDSM and much, much more. Our porn milhouse bart simpsons videos have been carefully curated and many have production values that rival those of Hollywood-level porn films. We have over 1000 porn milhouse bart simpsons videos to choose from, so you’re sure to find something you’re crazy about. Plus, new videos are added to our porn milhouse bart simpsons videos selection daily, so every time you check in, you’ll find a new wild scene to enjoy. From classic as well as solo porn milhouse bart simpsons scenes, to far out and daring porn milhouse bart simpsons fantasies, we have something for everyone. So don’t miss out, come and experience the wildest world of porn milhouse bart simpsons pleasure on our Simpsons Porn website today.
Marge Simpson sat on the couch watching TV. While she watched the old reruns of her favorite show her two boys, Bart and Milhouse were upstairs. Suddenly, a loud thumping noise came from upstairs. Marge got up to investigate and froze when she found out what Bart and Milhouse were doing.
The two boys were watching porn. Marge wanted to yell at them and ask them what they thought they were doing but she was too shocked to do anything. She stared at them for a minute, watching as they sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the TV, mesmerized by the outrageous images before them.
Marge was about to scold them but then a thought occurred to her. She considered the situation for a moment before she decided to let them continue. She knew that porn was wrong, but she also knew that boys this age had certain…urges. She also knew that there was no real harm in them watching it, as long as they weren’t engaging in dangerous behavior.
So Marge left them alone and went back downstairs, leaving the two boys to their porn milhouse bart simpsons viewing. After a few minutes, she heard them laugh and heard them talking to each other in whispers, with the occasional loud announcement that made her laugh. She knew that they were gaining knowledge, albeit dubious knowledge. Although they didn’t understand the finer points of porn milhouse bart simpsons, they were simply enjoying the visuals.
Eventually, she heard them coming back downstairs and she quickly changed the channel and pretended to watch her show. Bart and Milhouse stopped in their tracks when they saw her and she could tell that they knew what she had seen. She gave them a stern look and told them to stop watching such filth. They both nodded in agreement and slunk away.
Marge sat there for a few moments, trying to process what had just happened. After a few minutes, she burst into a fit of laughter. She knew that the boys would never forget the porn milhouse bart simpsons incident and the memory alone would probably prevent them from ever watching such things in the future.