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It was a beautiful morning in Springfield and Lisa Simpson was lying in her bedroom watching some pregnant lisa simpsons hentai porn image. She had been watching it for months now and it was starting to have an effect on her. She found herself fantasizing about the image of a pregnant lisa simpsons hentai porn image. It was so sexy and exciting that she couldn’t help herself.
One day, she decided to take her fantasy to the next level and she went out to buy some new lingerie in preparation for the big day. She chose a skimpy black thong and a tight-fitting tank top that showed off her curves. She was aroused just by looking at herself in the mirror.
The day finally arrived and the fantasy came alive. Lisa was so aroused she could barely keep standing. She was desperate for the pleasure that the pregnant lisa simpsons hentai porn image promised. She started to touch herself all over her body, caressing her breasts and gently fingering her pussy. The sensations were overwhelming and Lisa closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure as she continued pleasuring herself.
Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder and she jumped in surprise. It was Homer! She hadn’t expected him to be home so soon. He had a smirk on his face as he looked at her and the clothed pregnant lisa simpsons hentai porn image silently on the bed.
He had seen what she was doing and he couldn’t contain his excitement. He took her into his arms and kissed her passionately. Lisa was aroused and aroused and the two of them proceeded to make sweet love on the bed. He was gentle and loving towards her, touching and caressing her body.
Eventually, Lisa climaxed in a powerful wave of pleasure that made her tremble and shudder in delight. When the wave had passed, Homer and Lisa lay in each other’s arms, content and exhausted from their passionate escapades with their own version of the pregnant lisa simpsons hentai porn image. It was a night that they would never forget.