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Once upon a time, in a not so distant land called Springfield, there lived a young girl named Lisa Simpson. She was a bright, smart and independent child. Although she was younger than her siblings, she had a wisdom beyond her years and was a shining example of what a good daughter should be.
One day, Lisa came across something on the internet that changed her entire world; Rule 34 Lisa Simpson Pregnant. She had no idea what this meant, and the curiosity of a curious mind led her to search for answers.
After doing some research, Lisa came to the shocking realization that Rule 34 Lisa Simpson Pregnant was actually a thing. Apparently, there were some people out there who were into the idea of a pre-teen Lisa Simpson having a child. Lisa thought this was outrageous, and wanted to get to the bottom of this rule 34 concept.
After further investigation, Lisa discovered that Rule 34 Lisa Simpson Pregnant was part of a much larger sexual fantasy world on the internet. While Lisa was, of course, appalled by this, she found herself strangely intrigued.
In an effort to protect her from this twisted world, Lisa’s parents made her stop researching Rule 34 Lisa Simpson Pregnant. However, Lisa still couldn’t get it out of her head, and she spent nights laying in bed wondering what life would be like if it were truly true.
Though Lisa was only a pre-teen, she found herself longing for the experience of being pregnant. She daydreamed of showing off her baby bump and being happy and proud to be a mom.
One day, while browsing the web, Lisa stumbled across a porn site featuring Rule 34 Lisa Simpson Pregnant. Lisa clicked the link without thinking, and to her surprise, it featured a very realistic simulation of what life as an adult pregnant Lisa Simpson would look like.
Much to Lisa’s shock, she found herself enjoying this simulation, and could not help but feel that this was what she was meant to do. Though she was still a pre-teen, Lisa Simpson was certain that she wanted to have a baby one day.
Though Lisa Simpson was always a mature and responsible girl, nobody knew she had such a wild fantasy until she took the first steps of actualizing her dream. After being led by her curiosity and Rule 34 Lisa Simpson Pregnant, Lisa set out on an unlikely journey to make her fantasy come true.