At one point, every Simpsons fan has seen the episode “Marge Be Not Proud” and has felt sympathy for our (often misunderstood) yellow protagonist; now you can explore the forbidden side of our favorite fictional family’s wholesome image: Simpsons Marge Be Not Proud porn. This curated collection of premium adult films and images feature content inspired by this iconic episode. Enter, if you dare, and witness all of the simulated sultry couplings that result from the beloved mix of naughty and nice.
For starters, view naughty, taboo renditions of Marge Simpson flirting with all of her “not so proud” secret desires, in all of her adult glory. In these scenes, her curves, classic blue beehive hairdo, and sassy attitude come to life as she arouses an attractive partner with her trademark wit.
In addition, explore all matters of mischievous scenarios featuring other Simpsons characters, like Bart. In the majority of the Simpsons Marge Be Not Proud featured films, Bart is seen as a spunky and mischievous boy with an awkward crush on Marge Simpson that often gets him into trouble. Watch as he uncovers a wild, forbidden world of adult fantasies while attempting to make his crush proud.
Also a part of this collection is the long-awaited exploration into the relationship of Homer Simpson and Lurleen Lumpkin. Lurleen is a lounge singer whom Homer turned to after receiving Marge’s cold shoulder. See what happens when Lurleen realizes the depths of her feelings for him and confront him in a wild bedroom encounter that goes down in the annals of adult film history.
Further explore the world of forbidden pleasure through scenes featuring Milhouse, Lisa Simpson, and other characters from this award-winning television show. Taking inspiration from episodes like “Marge Be Not Proud,” these adult films offer you a chance to experience the Simpsons– with an extra twist of naughty.
And be sure to check back often for new Simpsons Marge Be Not Proud films and images. With exciting twists to classic episodes and new storylines and characters, this highly curated selection of adult films makes sure that your wildest fantasies are fulfilled and your inner Homer’s satisfied. So come explore the naughty, risqué underside of Springfield, and let your wild side run free.
Marge Simpson had always prided herself on upholding the moral values of Springfield. Even though things had been tough for the Simpson family during difficult times, Marge did her best to make sure her Humanren understood the consequences of immoral behaviour. But today, Marge felt like her values were being tested as she found herself standing in the middle of a porn studio. The director of the shoot had talked her into taking part and she nervously looked around the room, not knowing quite what to do.
Out of the corner of her eye, Marge noticed the production assistant checking her out and the thought of being seduced made her heart beat faster. Suddenly, she heard the director clapping his hands and shouting “Action!” and she was pulled out of her thoughts as she saw the model come out of the dressing room.
Marge watched in disbelief as the model began to strip and a wave of excitement ran through her body. She tried to push the feeling away, remembering her morals and that she shouldn’t be there. But when the model started to dance around with a lasciviousness that was both attractive and repulsing to Marge, she couldn’t help but feel aroused.
Before she knew what she was doing, Marge found herself joining the model and the two of them took the scene to a whole new level as they began to make out passionately. She closed her eyes and could feel herself getting lost in the moment, completely forgetting about the porn studio and her morals.
When the director yelled “Cut!” Marge’s eyes flew open and she was filled with shame and embarrassment. She quickly put her clothes back on and tried to leave but the director grabbed her arm and said, “Marge Simpson, you were amazing. You should be proud of yourself.”
Marge shrugged him off, blushing and ashamed. She didn’t want to be proud of herself, but she couldn’t deny that she had felt alive in the moment. She made a mental note to remember to always be true to her values but, as she left the studio, a sense of pride had crept into her heart in spite of her Simsons marge be not proud.