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Marge Simpson had been craving something new and exciting in her life lately, and that’s exactly what she found when she stumbled upon a gallery of Simpson porn cartoon pics. She found the pictures incredibly sexy and stimulating, and the thought of such an image featuring her favorite family members compelled her to take a closer look.
Marge couldn’t believe how naughty the pictures were. There was Lisa Simpson in compromising positions with a few different characters from the show, along with Bart Simpson being spanked by his mother in one particularly raunchy scene. Even Homer had a few simpsons porn cartoon pics of himself in steamy scenarios. The more she looked, the more aroused Marge became.
The idea quickly became an obsession for her, and soon enough she was spending hours each night looking through the simpsons porn cartoon pics. She would dream about being in each scene, imagining that it was her that had been dominating Lisa, her that was being disciplined by Marge, or her that was having rough, passionate encounters with Homer.
The fantasy eventually became too much for Marge and she decided to recreate some of the scenes herself. She grabbed different costumes and props from around the house and acted out some of the wild fantasies she had been pondering while looking at the simpsons porn cartoon pics.
At times, she thought of herself as Homer, dominating both Lisa and Marge while they begged for mercy. Other times, Marge became the “slave”, doing whatever her “master” commanded in order to fulfill the simpsons porn cartoon pics scenarios that played out in her mind.
Marge was amazed at how satisfying the sex was and how the simpsons porn cartoon pics had opened up her entire world of fantasy. She found herself eagerly looking forward to more of the original artwork, which she would use to constantly stimulate and excite her. Marge Simpson had officially become a huge fan of Simpson porn cartoon pics.