Welcome to the Simpsons Porn Library – featuring the hottest, steamiest and most explicit adult entertainment featuring America’s favorite cartoon family – the Simpsons. Our handpicked selection of videos has something to offer to every Simpsons fan, whether you’re looking for a romantic comedy, an intense drama with a shocking climax, or just some mind-blowing Simpsons porn.
The Simpsons Porn Library is your go-to destination for hard-hitting and passionate content featuring the loveable family from Springfield. Start off with the steamy episode of the series, “Lose Their Marbles”, which takes a wild turn when Homer discovers Marge has been getting it on with her ex-boyfriend. Struggle to keep your composure as Bart gets caught up in the action, Lisa goes to wild extremes trying to avert disaster and Maggie gets it on with some older Springfield residents.
You can also check out “Burning Desires”, Marge and Homer’s wildest, most explicit and unforgettable night out. Featuring outrageous animation and steamy voice acting – this is an episode you won’t want to miss. But if you’re looking for something a bit more lighthearted, try “The Land of Chocolates”, a sweet, romantic and downright silly adventure featuring Homer trying to woo Marge back with a special chocolate laced with love.
You’ll also find a range of other Simpsons porn titles, featuring each and every character in variously risque situations. From Lisa and Milhouse in a restroom fantasy to Barney and Moe acting out a twisted dream, there’s plenty here to bring a blush to your cheeks. Plus, there’s the series’ finale, “The Simpsons Porn Ever After”, which takes the entire family on an unforgettable journey via the magic of animation and hardcore sex.
So if you’re looking for all the best in Simpsons porn – come to the Simpsons Porn Library. Our selection of quality, explicit adult entertainment featuring all your favorite characters from America’s favorite cartoon family is sure to leave you speechless. Get all the passionate, hot and outrageous action you crave, only at the Simpsons Porn Library.
Marge Simpson was a bibliophile who loved spending her afternoons in the library of Springfield. As she browsed the shelves, she unexpectedly stumbled upon a new section – the Simpsons Porn Library! Marge had heard about the naughty publications in existence, but she’d never had the nerve to actually look at one. Curiosity got the better of her and she found herself picking up a magazine and thumbing through its pages.
Marge gasped when she saw the explicit images of cartoon characters that she recognized. There were even more taboo images and stories than she ever imagined. As she quickly shut the magazine and replaced it on the shelf, someone tapped her shoulder. It was Bart Simpson, the black sheep of the family, who had caught her red-handed.
Bart knew Marge couldn’t be the one behind the pornographic content in the library. It was actually Jimbo Jones, the overweight bully in school, who was the mastermind behind the Simpsons Porn Library. She had caught wind of the library through conversation, and he had already made quite a profit off the material.
Marge, who was still a bit taken aback from her discovery, was ready to go off and tell her husband Homer. But Bart, with his mischievous grin, told her that he had an idea to teach Jimbo a lesson.
The plan Bart concocted was to gather up as many of their friends as possible and actually use the library as a place to study! Bart knew that Jimbo would never expect that, and Marge was excited to join in on the scheme.
But there was one issue, the Simpsons Porn Library was only for adults. They knew that they wouldn’t be allowed into the library. Bart had a backup plan and came up with an ingenious disguise– to dress up as grown-ups!
That night, Marge, Bart and their group of friends snuck into the Simpsons Porn Library and pretended to be a group of scholars. They pulled books and magazines off the shelves and read them pretending to be conducting research.
Word soon spread about the subversive use of the library, and it didn’t take long for Jimbo to hear about it. He ran down to the Springfield Library in an attempt to clear out the Simpsons Porn Library, but arrived to find it vacant and the door locked.
Marge and Bart had gotten the last laugh, but they also learned an important lesson; respect to all kinds of literature, even the naughty kind. Thanks to their inventive plan, Springfield’s Simpsons Porn Library remains intact and open to all kinds of viewers, teaching the importance of education on even the more taboo topics.