Welcome to our Simpsons Porn Mag Cover category page! Here you will find only the hottest, most tantalizing Simpsons porn featuring characters from each and every beloved Simpson family member. From father Homer, to mother Marge, to the lovable Humanren Bart and Lisa, to finally the unyeilding baby Maggie, and not to forget the lovable pets, such as Santa’s Little Helper and Snowball II, each and every naughty detail from the iconic Simpson universe has been faithfully recreated to make your wildest, most tantalizing fantasies a reality!
Simpsons Porn Mag Cover videos are sure to titillate your most naughty and wild fantasies. Featuring all your favorite characters, each one sporting tight and sexy simulated lingerie and nothing else, these incredibly naughty clips will take your breath away! Whether it’s Marge and Homer behind closed doors, or wild and incredible inter-dimensional escapades between Bart, Lisa and Maggie across time and space, whatever your fetish, you’ll love every minute of these tantalizing and wild videos!
But that’s not all! Every Simpsons porn mag cover you check out not only gives you a naughty peek of your favorite characters doing what they do best, but you will also get to see a whole host of other exciting features like exclusive interviews, unique artwork, and in depth feature articles. So don’t hesitate, get access to our Simpsons porn mag cover category now and start kinking up your wildest fantasies today!
So what are you waiting for? Our never ending selection of Simpsons porn mag cover videos will keep you tantalized and entertained for hours on end. With a crisp and high quality HD video format, you can experience all the naughty and wild Simpson action like you were there, breathing in all the scandalous excitement. So don’t be shy, click on over and let your wildest Simpsons porn mag cover fantasies come alive!
The summer was hot, and so was the newest issue of the Simpson’s Porn Mag. It featured Homer and Marge gracefully gracing its cover as they tantalizingly embraced each other in a passionate kiss.
Marge had her arms wrapped around Homer’s neck, her red dress barely covering her curves. At the same time, Homer had his hands around her waist and his eyes were locked onto hers. The accompanying headlines promised the inside scoop about this daring couple.
The next page of the Simpson’s Porn Mag showed yet another exciting situation. This time, it was Bart and Lisa in an intimate position. Out of sight from their strict parents, the two were tangled in each other’s arms. Bart had Lisa pinned against a wall, and Lisa had her arms wrapped tightly around Bart’s neck. Their mouths were dangerously close as well.
The Simpson’s extended family was also included in the magazine. Grandpa Simpson was featured in a suggestive pose with Grandma Simpson, both wearing lingerie. On the next page, the Simpson’s Porn Mag showcased Barney and Moe exchanging flirtatious glances in the pub. They were holding hands and they both looked quite pleased with each other’s company.
Of course, the magazine didn’t ignore Mr. Burns and Smithers. This paired spring to life in an incredibly steamy image. Burns was shown with his arms around Smithers’ shoulders and they were kissing passionately. The expression on Smithers’ face was one of passion and longing as he stood there with his eyes closed.
Finally, the cover of the Simpson’s Porn Mag featured Apu and Manjula. They were dressed in traditional Indian clothing, looking at one another tenderly. The headline accompanying their image stated that theirs was a love story worth telling.
All of the images and stories collected in this Simpson’s Porn Mag were meant to arouse and excite the reader. Every page was illustrated with spectacular artwork and detailed descriptions. It was definitely a magazine that was not for the faint of heart. But, for those who were willing to take the risk, the Simpson’s Porn Mag cover promised a wild ride of pleasure and passion.