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In the town of Springfield, Homer Simpson had been worried about his sexyest Human Lisa’s education since day one. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the school, he just knew his daughter’s smarts made her far too bright for the curriculum. With no other options he decided to discreetly hire Mrs. Krabappel, the local Sex Ed teacher to privately tutor his daughter.
Mrs. Krabappel gladly agreed and soon found herself at the Simpson residence. She immediately got down to business and began to explain the basics of sex education to Lisa. She went over the technical terms covering anatomy and genitalia as Lisa attentively took notes.
As the lecture began to move more in depth, Mrs. Krabappel found herself having to draw several diagrams to help Lisa grasp the concepts. She leaned forward over the table bent over in concentration to render the perfect explanation.
Not wanting to interrupt, Homer silently watched the Sex Ed teacher bent over in the chair, wishing she were putting those same intimate poses to far better use.
The lecture continued on, Lisa taking in all the new information with a growing understanding. Mrs. Krabappel included some diagrams and stories that left Lisa a bit flushed, glad that her father was at least not in the room at this point.
However, before she knew it, the tutoring session was over, Mrs. Krabappel closing her notes and rising from the chair with a stretch. She bid the Simpsons goodbye, not noticing the shimmer of perspiration on Homer’s brow, or the uneasy stirring in his loins that was the result of having his teacher bent over for so long.
The next day, Homer decided to ask a few questions about the course through a thinly veiled phone call. He was relieved to discover that Mrs. Krabappel was as professional and discreet as ever, unaware of the few moments of temptation that had boiled over when she had been bent over in the chair.
He made a mental note to not let his curiosity get the best of him and return to doing what he always had- protecting his Lisa’s education.