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Every single day, Lisa Simpson watched those steamy Simpsons sex hentai comic pregnant pictures on the internet and fantasized about one day having her own baby. She had felt for years that this was something she had to do, something that would make her feel complete and whole. But, little did she know that her own family would play a big part in making this dream become a reality.
One day, Homer Simpson was walking around town, when he stumbled across an interesting adult comics shop. Being the curious type, he thought he would take a closer look, and that was when he spotted a ton of Simpsons sex hentai comic pregnant magazines! Instantly, he knew what he had to do.
When Lisa got home, Homer presented her with a Simpsons sex hentai comic pregnant magazine and gave her a mischievous wink. The two immediately burst out laughing, knowing full well what the implications of the magazine were.
That night, with the magazine in hand and their love making, Homer and Lisa consummated their relationship and it was through that act that they decided they wanted to become parents. The two stayed up late talking about what it would be like to have a Simpsons sex hentai comic pregnant baby and before they knew it, a beautiful baby was on the way, one that would bring all the joy and happiness of their dreams.
For months, Lisa and Homer joyously prepared for the birth of their child, stocking the nursery and buying all the necessary items for their little bundle of joy. On the day the child was born, Lisa and Homer were filled with unimaginable excitement, knowing that their Simsons sex hentai comic pregnant dream had finally come true.
Even to this day, Lisa has never been more grateful for what Homer and the Simpsons sex hentai comic pregnant magazine did for her. It was through these things that she was able to feel complete and fulfilled as a mother and a woman, something she will cherish forever.