People just can’t get enough of seeing Homer, Marge and the rest of the Simpsons family get down and dirty in these simpsons sex tapes! This section of our Simpsons Porn video site is devoted to bringing you the hottest, most explicit, and downright wildest simpsons sex tapes on the web. Whether you’re a Simpson fanatic who loves everything about the family, or just a curious individual who wants to discover something new and daring in adult entertainment- this section will definitely have something that you’ll love. From classic episodes of intense orgies featuring the whole Simpson clan to naughty homages to some of the funniest and most memorable moments of the show- these simpsons sex tapes are guaranteed to leave you with an experience like you’ve never seen before.
EverySimpsons sex tape is specially curated to bring you the best in adult entertainment that you can find. These premium quality tapes boast high production values, high definition images and sound- as well as some truly outrageous settings to fulfill all of your wild fantasies. Whether you want to see the whole family stuck in compromising positions…or just Marge and Homer alone in the bedroom, our simpsons sex tape selection has it all. Plus, each video is filled with plenty of hilarious references to classic episodes and hilarious scenes.
Explore our collection of simpsons sex tapes today and you’ll be sure to find the ultimate in adult entertainment that will keep you coming back for more. We’re sure you’ll find something that you’ll absolutely love and with our huge library, you’re sure to find something new and exciting every time. Watch these simpsons sex tapes tonight and guarentee yourself a wild and steamy DVD experience that you won’t forget!
Homer and Marge Simpson’s sex tapes have become the talk of Springfield. It all began when Ned Flanders received a mysterious package labeled with the words “Simpsons Sex Tapes”. After a few days of speculation and rumors, it finally reached the ears of Homer and Marge.
At first, the Simpsons were mortified, unsure of who would have access to the tapes. But after consulting with the local authorities, Homer and Marge discovered that the tapes were being sold in the underground black market.
This only further outraged the embarrassed couple, and they decided to take matters into their own hands. After a few days of intense investigation and interviews, they discovered the tapes were being sold by an anonymous source.
Shortly afterwards, Skinner arrived on the scene. After some intimidating questioning and clever sleuthing, he managed to track down the culprit. It was none other than Comic Book Guy, who was making a pretty penny off of Simpsons Sex Tapes.
Finally, Homer said to Comic Book Guy, “We’re suing you, and anyone else associated with those tapes.” Comic Book Guy was scared out of his wits. He quickly agreed to a settlement, in which all of the tapes were destroyed and he was banned from selling anything of the like ever again.
Homer and Marge were relieved but still embarrassed by the whole Simpsons Sex Tapes debacle. They decided to go on vacation to forget about it all. On the bright side, this incident seemed to have brought Homer and Marge closer together. They vowed never to keep secrets from one another again.
The story of Simpson Sex Tapes was quickly forgotten. However, Homer and Marge always remember to keep their private life just that – private.