Tag: simpsons video picture porn

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It was another typical day at the Simpsons house and Marge and Homer were out for the day, leaving the kids with a free house and a lot of free time on their hands. Lisa and Bart were two siblings who were always up for a little bit of mischief and this particular day was no different.
When they got a whiff of the recent simpsons video picture porn craze that was taking over the town, Lisa and Bart saw it as an opportunity to get up to all kinds of naughty shenanigans. They sat down in the living room and started to download some of the simpsons video picture porn they had seen online, little did they know they were going to be in for a wild night.
The moment they had downloaded all their simpsons video picture porn, the two of them could feel the heat emanating from the computer screen and the urge for something wild and naughty was growing inside them. Lisa and Bart decided to get up and get to work, so they started to create their own naughty version of the simpsons video picture porn.
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In the morning, when Marge and Homer returned home and found out what the two had been up to, they were incredibly angry. But, as Marge and Homer shared a knowing glance, they knew that they were partially to blame for the wild night they had given their kids. This exchange was more than enough to let the two of them know that they had done something wrong and they would never be allowed to watch simpsons video picture porn again.