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It was an ordinary day for Quimby, and he was about to open the door of City Hall, when his peaceful and mediocre life was about to take a turn to the wild – he saw the Simpsons family walking up to him. Bart, Marge and Lisa stepped up to him and began to talk without any apparent reason. “Uh, what can I do for you?” Quimby couldn’t help but gulp.
“Well, actually, we wanted to talk to you about a little project that we have in mind,” Marge said, trying to remain as calm as possible. Quimby must have been curious about what the family was about to tell him, but he still felt uneasy.
Bart stepped forward. “We want your permission to shoot a porno in front of City Hall,” he said. Quimby’s jaw dropped. His face became flush and he stuttered as he tried to get out a response. “A what?” he asked, aghast.
Marge stepped forward, sensing his hesitance. “It’s really not that bad,” she said in a trying-not-to-be-condescending manner. “We’ll be using the building’s stairs to simulate a kind of bed and it’ll mostly be just Bart and me in it.”
Quimby was still not sold on the idea. “But, why would you even want to do this in front of City Hall?” he asked.
Put on the spot, Lisa, who had been quietly eyeing Quimby from the background, stepped in. “Well, it just feels kind of adventurous and, knowing the simpsons bart marge porn couple, we thought it would certainly get us some good press coverage. And this is the simpsons bart marge porn way that we could make sure of it.” She grabbed her brothers hand, shaking it a bit as if trying to display her support for the idea.
The simpsons bart marge porn plan didn’t sit too well with Quimby, but seeing the family’s determination, he reluctantly agreed. Little did he know that the simpsons bart marge porn video they shot outside City Hall that day would make him infamous – even years later.