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Mrs. Krabappel was a teacher who taught economics at Springfield Elementary and was often the subject of Bart Simpson’s mischief. But today was going to be different. Today was the day she had been eagerly awaiting since she found out about it. Today was the day of the big Simpsons crossover porn event.
Mrs. Krabappel had heard of the event from some of her students who were talking about it excitedly. She had been curious ever since and decided to learn more about it. What she found out was that some of the biggest names in porn were coming together for a huge movie. The simpsons crossover porn was the talk of the town and Mrs. Krabappel was not going to miss it.
So, she had gone out and purchased a ticket, much to the surprise of her students. But what she didn’t expect was for Bart to also be in attendance. When Mrs. Krabappel saw Bart in line to get into the theater, she was in complete shock. She didn’t think that he would be at a the simpsons crossover porn event.
Bart was just as surprised to see her there and they both quickly realized that they were both fans of the same thing. That’s when they decided to leave the theater together and head to Mrs. Krabappel’s house to watch the the simpsons crossover porn they had both been so excited to see.
Once they arrived at Mrs. Krabappel’s, they wasted no time getting down to watching the movie. But soon, it was not just the movie they were focused on. Mrs. Krabappel and Bart found themselves in a passionate embrace and sharing the hottest night of their lives so far. The the simpsons crossover porn had certainly made an impact on both of them.
In the morning, Mrs.Krabappel awoke to find that Bart had already left but he had left a note saying how much he had enjoyed the the simpsons crossover porn the night before and that he would see her soon. Mrs. Krabappel could hardly believe what had happened and she couldn’t help but blush as she fondly thought back to the night’s passionate encounter.