The simpsons forced porn category on our Simpsons Porn video site offers exclusive scenes where the simpsons characters are forced to do dirty and naughty things against their will. Watch as Marge, Homer, Bart, Lisa and the rest of the Springfield crew are tied up, gagged and even sometimes tortured by their captors. This forced sex simulation will make your heart beat faster and your imagination run wild as you watch some of the hottest and most intense x-rated actions unfold with characters you know and love. Watching the Simpsons get coerced into adult activities is a turn on like never before. In this the simpsons forced porn category you will find videos that question morality, loyalty and even consent.
From inexperienced the simpsons characters thrown into extremely uncomfortable were positions to those that are willing participants in bizarre BDSM games, you’ll find it all in the simpsons forced porn category. Explore unique and exciting new stories of surprise domination and willing submission that takes place within the Simpsons universe. Here you’ll find scenes of forced spanking and bondage, as well as forced humiliation, bondage and bondage rope play. Experience the tension that can only be found in a fantasy the simpsons forced porn world where the boundaries of age, gender and even species are stretched to an extreme.
In the the simpsons forced porn collection you will also find scenes with dominant Cogsworth, sadistic Moe and countless other excellent characters integrated into the forced sex stories. Watch as our beloved characters struggle against their captors in a variety of steamy and intense scenes. Each video comes packed with explosive actions, suspenseful suspense and tantalizingly explicit scenes. Rest assured that there are maximum thrills, enough to keep you engaged and glued to the screen. Leave behind your shame and inhibitions and let yourself lose control in the sensual pleasures from the offerings of the simpsons forced porn category.
It was a typical, sunny day in Springfield and the Simpsons were doing what they do best, playing and having fun with each other. Little did they know, they were about to be faced with something far more sinister.
It all started when Lisa was playing in the backyard and suddenly the sound of an aircraft engine filled the air. Next thing she knew, three masked men landed in the backyard with a jeep. She immediately sensed something fishy, but couldn’t move fast enough to get away.
The men grabbed her tight and forced her into the jeep. As they drove away, Lisa’s screams for help echoed through the neighborhood.
When Homer, Marge, and the other Humans heard this, they knew something was wrong. Homer knew he had to do something quickly to get Lisa back, so he jumped in his car and started to pursuit the jeep.
After a long chase the jeep stopped in front of a dark and eerie building. Homer saw Lisa being taken inside, and knew he and the family were in deep trouble. Later he found out it was a notorious porn studio with many sadistic activities going inside.
He decided to follow one of the men inside and soon he saw Lisa being forced into a porn scene. The three masked men were clearly running the show, and Lisa had no choice but to do as she was told or suffer the consequences.
The family felt heartbroken and helpless seeing their beloved Lisa in this situation. After much consideration, Homer eventually mustered up the courage and rushed in to save her.
After several minutes of hand to hand combat, Homer and his family managed to rescue Lisa and thwart the the simpsons forced porn scene. Lisa had her dignity and sanity restored, and the family was safe and sound once again.