Do you enjoy watching The Simpsons porn and Futurama porn? If so, then you came to the right place! Here at our The Simpsons porn and Futurama video site, we provide you with the hottest porn clips featuring your favorite characters from both popular animated sitcoms. We have a massive selection of The Simpsons porn and Futurama porn for you to choose from and you will be able to find scenes featuring some of your favorite characters, such as Homer and Marge, Fry and Leela, or even Bart and Lisa.
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The Simpsons are about to embark on a wild and crazy night. After Homer and Marge have both had a long day of work, they decide to spice up their love life by visiting the adult entertainment store and looking for a little something extra special. When they enter, they are shocked to find that the store is filled with Simpsons Porn! Homer and Marge quickly make their way to the back and find a selection of movies that feature their favorite characters from the show.
They are both a little unsure about what they should choose, but when they spot a movie called Futurama, they can’t resist. Both Homer and Marge agree that this could be just the thing they need to make their night even more special.
When they get home, they find themselves more than a little bit excited. The Simpsons Porn and Futurama selection are so much better than they could have ever imagined. Homer sets up the DVD player and they quickly jump in bed together, eager to explore their new movie.
The cartoon porn is filled with all sorts of spankings, bondage, and other naughty scenes. Homer and Marge both chuckle as they watch the characters experience all sorts of naughty fantasies. They find themselves getting more and more aroused as the movie goes on, and soon enough they find themselves giving into temptation.
The two of them get lost in the moment while they explore all sorts of new and exciting pleasures. Soon enough they find themselves both sweaty and exhausted, but they can’t help but smile at the extreme pleasure they had just experienced. The Simpsons Porn and Futurama selection was definitely the perfect way to spice up their love life!