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Kirk was always a curious sort of fellow, but the simpsons porn even he was a little hesitant when he first heard about the simpsons porn selection at the local video store. Certainly not the sort of thing he normally watched, but he had to know what all the fuss was about.
So, with an embarrassed blush, he strolled to the back of the store and quickly grabbed what appeared to be his first pornographic flick. That’s when he saw it: The Simpsons Porn Kirk featuring none other than Kirk himself with a female friend, both fully clothed.
Before he knew it, he was sitting in a dark, dingy room alone, watching the the simpsons porn movie. Even more than the raunchy trills, it was the sheer oddity of it all that kept drawing him in. Before long, the two were having an affair, one in which Kirk was the dominant one.
The whole affair ended in an orgiastic explosion that Kirk was sure not even Marge knew about. That’s when he heard it, the melodious sound of giggles off in the corner, a group of teenagers who had clearly been enjoying the show.
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Even so, Kirk was never quite the same after that. He never watched another the simpsons porn movie, content to stick to the more traditional forms of entertainment. But he ponders often and fondly of that one unforgettable night that changed him forever.